Firstly an apology to all (6?) of my blog audience. I have been bad at keeping this blog up to date over the last two months but I have a pretty good excuse…
In mid February we moved into our new offices and warehouse in Bridgwater – not bad considering we should have been in before Christmas! Bad weather combined with complex site conditions to delay our move but the Harris & Harris Construction team triumphed in the end and we are now settled in. We are so proud of our pristine scanning facility, immaculate offices and most importantly a multi-storey document storage area with space for up to 15,000 boxes of stored documents in a secure and fully managed environment. Need document storage? We can help…
During the move we were approached by our main competitor, Line Scan in Yeovil, to see if we would buy them out. Wow!! What an opportunity… and much too good to miss but what to do?
After all we were still trying to settle into the new Bridgwater site, find the kettle etc. We HAD to go for it though – Line Scan complements our existing service offering as it specialises in microfilm, microfiche and aperture card conversions to digital and also high volume large format scanning up to A0 size so it fits very neatly into our portfolio of services.
The deal is now done and we are very proud to have retained the staff and the premises and will continue to trade as two separate companies until the end of the year at least.Customer response to the acquisition has been very positive and we are keen to emphasise that it is very much ‘business as usual’. Many thanks to the the excellent, professional and inspired help from Grant McCall of AMD Solicitors and Duane Shield at Perpetual Tax & Business Advisers who both played critical roles in the purchase – thanks guys.
So, 2013 is already proving to be an exciting year for us – the ‘hatching’ of new premises, the ‘matching’ of SFS with Line Scan (a marriage made in heaven?) and the ‘despatching’ of our Houndstone Business Park warehouses which we outgrew in the last three years.
Recession? What recession? People say to me that John & I must be either very brave or very stupid but you have to take chances and grab life with both hands sometimes…
Anyway let us know if we can help you with your document storage or scanning needs — quote this blog and we will even give you a discount!