Secure microfiche, microfilm and aperture card destruction

Destroy your film records permanently to help meet GDPR requirements on data security.

With GDPR in effect, you’re probably well aware that tightening up on your data security is more important than ever. For many businesses, this means hundreds of records that need to be destroyed – not just paper or electronic, but film data such as microfilm, microfiche and aperture cards.

Why not just shred them?

  • Because of their size, shredded microfilm images can still be read.
  • Film used in microfilm, microfiche and aperture cards is designed to last 500 years.
  • The only guaranteed method of destroying these type of film images is incineration.

Can’t we burn them ourselves?

  • Microfilm burns at over 1,000°C and is highly combustible.
  • The burning process produces very unhealthy chemicals (carcinogens).
  • There are strict regulations surrounding incineration processes and emissions.

Why use Scan Film or Store?


Scan Film or Store has a proven track record in managing the entire microfilm destruction process, giving you peace of mind that the job will be done quickly, efficiently, safely and confidentially.

Using Scan Film or Store means you’ll get:

  • Proven track record in microfilm data destruction
  • Start to finish service from collection to confirmation of destruction
  • Security vetted staff cleared to BS7858 standards and DBS checked
  • Certificate of Destruction for your audit trail

Our process

Our complete microfilm destruction service includes:

  • Removing the microfilm/fiche or aperture cards from storage cabinets.
  • Placing them in security sealed and bar-coded bags, and weighing them.
  • Securely transporting them to the point of incineration.
  • Witnessing the incineration on your behalf.
  • Issuing a Certificate of Destruction and Waste Certificate for audit purposes.

Case study

Read about how we project managed the secure destruction of more than 24 tonnes of outdated archive microfiche for one of our clients in just four days.

Start your project today

To discuss your data destruction needs with a member of our team, contact us on 0800 008 7229 today or contact us here.

Data security is central to our work, so everything you tell us will be treated with complete confidence.