Microfiche and microfilm conversion services

Converting your company or organisation’s documents and information to microfiche or microfilm enables you to:

  •  Reduce storage space costs
  •  Share documents and information
  • Access critical data
  • Create secure back-ups of critical information (guaranteed for 500 years!)
  • Reduce retrieval costs

Various microfilm

Scan Film or Store Ltd provides a tailored solution using its in-house microfiche and microfilming technologies.


  • Create and/or digitise highly secure aperture cards, microfilm and microfiche
  • Convert photographic images into a range of popular electronic formats such as .pdf, .pdf/a, .jpg and .tif
  • Produce printed hard copies of microfilm, aperture cards, jackets or microfiche records and can supply Diazo microfiche copies of microfilm
  • Process using a secure film laboratory
  • Provide a fully-managed service including a national collection service through to secure destruction or secure storage facilities for delicate, sensitive and rare items
  • Catalogue aperture card and microfiche, and create indexing and archiving solutions
  • Integrate digitised film with your existing or new document management systems.

Drawer of aperture cards

You’re in safe hands

  • We meet the technical, security and quality challenges of aperture card and film scanning.
  • We can transfer to microfilm documents larger than A0
  • … and feed scanned images and information into a wide range of document management systems.
  • Secure sites and highly trained staff all DBS checked and with full security clearance to BS7858 standards.

Read a case study about microfilm or contact us to discuss the business benefits of microfilm and microfiche services.