If you’re tired of working at ground level, your options are as follows: train to be a pilot, attach millions of balloons to your office building – Up style – or convert to digital. Granted this last option might not give you the same dazzling view, but digitisation can still make your workload feel lighter than stratus-shaped water vapour. We may not be meteorologists, but we can tell you that these digital clouds are worth getting your head into. Here’s why:
Anywhere, anytime baby
Often on the move? Working in multiple locations? Stranded in an airport while your airline goes on strike again? Cloud technology means you don’t need to wait for that plane to take off before you can rise above it all. So long as you have a connection to the world wide web (and if not find your nearest coffee shop of choice), you’re only a click away from all the documents and data you need. Getting to grips with the business of the day has never been easier.
Collaboration in the cloud nation
If you have a team, several teams or even a couple of companies working on the same project, digitisation will take you beyond the pearly gates. Cloud storage means everyone can work at the same time on the same document from different locations. This creates the conditions for faster document creation and easier alteration = allowing your work to speed ahead without calling in the couriers. Even if you’re only sitting across a desk from a single collaborator, cloud storage will save you from printing and passing papers with every edit. You’ll have instant access to the entire database of documents you need.
If the world ends, it’s not a problem
When MC Hammer sung “Can’t Touch This” in 1990 he probably wasn’t referencing his secure data files. But now corporates can get up on their desks and dance along, knowing that their hard work is safely out of harm’s way. Cloud storage places your files in the digital version of Fort Knox, out of reach of thieves and ground level disasters. It used to only be cockroaches that could survive nuclear fallout. But cloud storage means you can safely start World War III and still leave behind a good audit trail.
Springboard into the next big thing
If Back to the Future’s predictions of 2015 were anything to go by, we would be eating re-hydrated pizza and enjoying a 1500ft view while trying to make it through the evening sky-traffic. When it comes to technological forecasts, humanity seems to watch the skies without much success. There’s no telling what might be around the corner in the digital world, but that doesn’t mean we can’t get ready for it.
You may have good reason for holding onto your analogue and paper documents, but you’ve also got nothing to lose and a lot to gain by digitising. Apart from anything else, your data will be nimble – capable of converting to any format you desire – paper, CD, microfilm, microfiche, harddrive. It’s like keeping your documents as a liquid that can be quickly cast into any shape. So when the next wave of digital innovation sweeps over us, you’ll be more than ready to ride it.
The sky is waiting. Whether it’s time to wave farewell to your beloved physical files, or you need to hold onto those keepsakes, it’s certainly time to climb into the Cloud. Check out our range of data conversion services or get in touch to work out which solution will best suit your needs. We may not be able to fix the flying mechanics on your 1985 DeLorean, but we can still launch you into the clouds.