The Twenties are upon us. But instead of piling into jazz clubs, drinking bootlegged liquor and swooning over Picasso, we’re preparing for a decade driven by technology, speed and a very different set of rules.
During the last 10 years it has remained possible – just – to do document storage the old way. We could wistfully enjoy the way that paper piled our desks, crammed our drawers and blew away whenever the window was opened. We could send humans to fetch documents and be glad when they returned within half-an-hour, out of breath and a little sweaty. We could even keep expanding our DVD collection, blissfully ignoring the internet and its popularity these days.
“That’ll do” won’t do anymore
If we keep doing things the old way, the times will take us out. Our approach to document storage needs to be digital. And anything left cluttering the office needs to be burned with pyromaniacal glee or cross shredded and pulped into soft tissue.
This decade there’ll be new challenges that no-one has predicted yet. With technology screaming ahead like a runaway train, markets and industries could change overnight. The more out-dated our systems of storage and operations, the harder it will be to adapt when the next change comes. We could cross our fingers and hope for the best, or we could build something robust – something future-proof.
Speed of the times
Instant isn’t a moment too soon. Now, couriers are racing against same-day deliveries, and WiFi is in direct competition with lightning itself. There’s no place for the slow any more. These days, if your website takes longer than a second to load, Google won’t even allow you to appear in their top search results. It’s a pirate code of “anyone who falls behind gets left behind”.
While we may be able to function internally at the speed of last year, the moment we start working with other business partners, contractors and clients, the expectation will be now. Generation Y already represents well over a quarter of the world’s population and soon generation Z – who have known smartphones their entire lives – will be making key decisions for many businesses. Things are only likely to get faster.
Whenever we digitise (scan) documents for clients, we can embed sophisticated search and retrieval software in the analogue format of your choice so that everything remains an instant away. That data can then be uploaded to cloud systems to ensure that impatient millennials can find it in less than a moment.
Fire proof or fire away
62% of businesses never recover from major loss of data. Offsite storage is a sensible precaution – which we do also offer – while digitisation protects you from the three data doombringers: damp, heat and age. We’ll offer to keep backups of whatever we digitise so that your business can survive an apocalypse with ease.
Time’s up. Our documents are in need of digitisation or they’ve become clutter, so they should be shredded/incinerated/insert destructive verb of choice here. Whether you need to create space for the new decade, or you need to prime your documents for the future, we can make it happen. Check out our document scanning services to go digital, or our data destruction services to give the past the send off it deserves.